PgBouncer: A Guide to Efficiently Managing Multiple Instances

 PgBouncer: A Guide to Efficiently Managing Multiple Instances

To effectively manage multiple PgBouncer instances, follow these steps

Install Prerequisites

Ensure PostgreSQL, PgBouncer, and systemd are installed and configured correctly on your Ubuntu 22.04 or later server.

Create Systemd Templates

Create template files for both the socket (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]) and service (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]) to define basic settings for each instance.

Configure PgBouncer

Create individual configuration files (e.g., pgbouncer-50001.ini, pgbouncer-50002.ini) based on the templates, specifying unique port numbers, log files, and PID files.

Enable and Start Instances

Use systemd commands to enable and start the newly created PgBouncer instances.

Verify Instances

Check the status of the running instances, including PID files, log files, and process information.

We can effectively optimize your PostgreSQL database's performance and scalability through the use of multiple PgBouncer instances. Detail configuration can be refer to LinuxMalaysia GIST, also read all my comments.

PgBouncer is a connection pooler for PostgreSQL, designed to minimize the performance overhead of establishing new database connections. Applications can interact with PgBouncer as if it were a PostgreSQL server, while PgBouncer manages underlying connections to the actual database.

PgBouncer traditionally operates as a single process, which can limit its ability to utilize multiple CPUs on a host. To improve scalability and resource utilization, running multiple PgBouncer instances is often recommended. This guide will demonstrate how to set up and manage these instances using systemd, ensuring efficient operation and easy administration.

Using SO_REUSEPORT for Multi-Instance Deployment

PgBouncer version 1.12 introduced support for the SO_REUSEPORT socket option, allowing multiple instances to listen on the same port and share connections. This approach offers several advantages

Improved Scalability

Multiple instances can handle more concurrent connections and distribute the load across available CPUs.
Efficient Resource Utilization

By sharing connections, instances can reduce the overhead of connection establishment and management.

Simplified Configuration

All instances can listen on the same port, simplifying management and deployment.

Configuration Considerations

When running multiple instances on the same host, ensure each instance has unique settings for at least unix_socket_dir, pidfile, and logfile (if used). Note that using SO_REUSEPORT prevents direct TCP/IP connections to specific instances, which may impact monitoring and metrics collection.

Key Steps for Setting Up Multiple PgBouncer Instances with Systemd

Configure PgBouncer

Create individual configuration files for each instance, specifying unique connection pool settings, authentication credentials, and other parameters.

Create Systemd Units

Write systemd unit files for each instance, defining the service name, execution command, and other relevant settings.

Start and Manage Instances

Utilize systemd commands to start, stop, restart, or reload the PgBouncer instances as required.

PgBouncer Installation

This guide assumes you have PgBouncer installed on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 24.04 LTS or later. To ensure you're using the latest version (currently 1.23.1 as of September 2024), we recommend installing PostgreSQL Global Development Group's (PGDG) repository. This repository provides access to the most recent PgBouncer packages. You can find installation instructions for PGDG on the PostgreSQL

sudo apt install -y postgresql-common
sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/

Detailed PgBouncer Installation (Optional)

For detailed instructions on installing PgBouncer itself, refer to the Scaleway documentation: This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting up PgBouncer on your Ubuntu server.

PgBouncer Configuration

Ensure PgBouncer is configured correctly by editing /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini. Adjust settings as needed, such as

localhost: Replace with the hostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL database.
pool_mode: Choose session or transaction based on your application requirements.
max_client_conn: Set the maximum number of concurrent client connections.

Using SCRAM-SHA-256 Authentication

Ensure your PostgreSQL database uses SCRAM-SHA-256 password encryption.

Sample Configuration

This is a sample pgbouncer.ini configuration to get you started. Remember to modify the settings as needed for your specific environment.


postgres = host=localhost port=5432
* = host=localhost port=5432


listen_addr = localhost
listen_port = 6432
unix_socket_dir = /tmp

so_reuseport = 1

pool_mode = session

max_client_conn = 5000

auth_type = scram-sha-256
auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt

logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/

SystemD Configuration

You can simply copy the existing PgBouncer systemd file (/lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service) and configuration file (/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini) to run separate services.

if you want to run multiple instances, you can obviously just make copies of  pgbouncer systemd file /lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service and pgbouncer configuration file /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini, run them as entirely separate services. But here we want to make use of the systemd template system. So create a file /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] by copying /lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service

Creating a Systemd Unit Template

Begin by creating a systemd unit template file named [email protected] in the /etc/systemd/system directory. Copy the content from the original service file (/lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service), making the following modifications, A placeholder %i has been added to Description, Requires and ExecStart. This will be replaced with our input during service creation.

Template Unit File (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]):

Description=connection pooler for PostgreSQL (%i)

###ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-%i.ini
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


It's essential to run systemctl daemon-reload after making changes to systemd unit files or configuration files. This command ensures that systemd reloads its configuration, taking the new changes into account.

systemctl daemon-reload

Limitations of Shared Unix Sockets

While the so_reuseport setting allows multiple PgBouncer instances to share TCP/IP listening sockets, it doesn't extend to Unix-domain sockets. This creates a challenge

Disable Unix Sockets: This removes some of the convenience of this approach.
Separate Configuration Files: Each instance needs a unique configuration with a different Unix socket directory, which can become cumbersome.

Socket Activation (PgBouncer 1.14+)

For PgBouncer versions 1.14 and later, we recommend using socket activation provided by systemd. This offers a more elegant solution.

Copy Systemd Unit Template, Copy /lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.socket to /etc/systemd/system/[email protected], modifying it as follows

cp /lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.socket /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]

Systemd Unit Template (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected])

Description=Sockets for PgBouncer (%i)

ListenStream=%i # Instance-specific port
ListenStream=/tmp/.s.PGSQL.%i # Instance-specific Unix socket


# additional settings that might be useful


Create a template for pgbouncer.ini

Copy the Original Configuration to be a pgbouncer.ini template. Begin by copying the existing PgBouncer configuration file (/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini) to a new location with a descriptive name, such as /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-template.ini and update Log and PID File Paths

Edit the newly copied template file (pgbouncer-template.ini) and modify the following settings

logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/


logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-template.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/

These changes ensure each PgBouncer instance created from this template will have unique log and PID files. This prevents conflicts that could arise if multiple instances shared the same log and PID file paths.

Starting a New PgBouncer Instance

Ensure the primary PgBouncer instance is running. Verify its status using

systemctl status pgbouncer.socket pgbouncer.service

Copy the template configuration file (/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-template.ini) to a new location with a descriptive name, such as /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini. This name reflects the chosen administration port number (50001 in this example) and set ownership of the new file to the postgres user.

cp /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-template.ini /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini
chown postgres /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini

Modify the copied configuration file (pgbouncer-50001.ini) to replace references to the template names with the specific port number (50001). You can use sed or any preferred text editor for this purpose. Here's an example using sed

sed -i "s/pgbouncer-template.log/pgbouncer-50001.log/g" /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini
sed -i "s/" /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini

Enable the systemd socket and service for the new PgBouncer instance, specifying the chosen port number

The chosen port number (50001 in this example) should be unique and not used by any other application. Run systemctl daemon-reload after making changes to systemd files for them to take effect.

Verifying the New PgBouncer Instance

Verify the existence of the PID file.

ls -lisah /var/run/postgresql/

Ensure its ownership and permissions are correct: owner should be postgres, and permissions should allow read access for the owner only (e.
g., -rw-------).

Check if the log file exists at /var/log/postgresql

ls -lisah /var/log/postgresql/pgbouncer-50001.log

Confirm its ownership and permissions are set to postgres with read access only for the owner.

Verify if the PgBouncer process is running with the specific configuration file. This command filters process information and searches for the PgBouncer process with the specified arguments.

ps -ef | grep "/usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-50001.ini" | grep -v grep

Use systemctl command to obtain the status of both the socket and service for the new instance.

To view all running PgBouncer instances

ps -ef | grep pgbouncer | grep -v grep

Creating Additional PgBouncer Instances

To create more PgBouncer instances, simply repeat the steps outlined in the previous section, using a different port number for each instance. Ensure that the chosen port number is unique and not in use by any other application.

Resource Considerations

When adding PgBouncer instances, be mindful of your operating system's virtual CPU (vCPU) count. Avoid exceeding this limit to prevent performance degradation. You can use commands like lcpu or ntop to determine the number of vCPUs available on your system.

This guide base on this articles :-

### Blog post with the help of Google Gemini. Run and verify by human.

Harisfazillah Jamel


15 September 2024

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